8 March 2019
A look back: What’s in a name?
Some of you may be wondering where the name came from. I mean, at first glance and with a society that is much more aware of inclusion and diversity, it could be all too easy view it as something quite offensive. However, it couldn’t be further from it.
For her day, Bessy was a very big car. At over 4.3 meters long, 1.6 meters wide and 1.6 meters high, she’s the same length and height as a 2019 Volkswagen Golf (if not a little slimmer around the hips…) Check out the image of an early E series parked next to a 2002 Vauxhall Vectra, taken at the Vauxhall heritage center in Luton.
By comparison, a typical family car in the 50’s such as a Morris Minor, was half a meter shorter, and almost 10 cm narrower and lower. Add to this, the robust and bulging bodywork, heavy doors and lashings of chrome, it’s not hard to see why she was referred to as a ‘bit of a tank.’
This was the inspiration for her name. An infamous British ‘Female’ Mark IV tank used in World War 1 at the Battle of Cambrai in France. Slow, imposing and quite unstoppable, tanks like Black Bess left onlookers in awe.
After being lost in November 1917 during the same battle, Black Bess became somewhat of a legend. And while and her fate remains a mystery to this day, it turned out that she was the perfect namesake for our equally lumbering, imposing and awe-inspiring old lady.